May 19, 2010

In Search for Vegetable Plants

Okay, I know it has been a few years since we have had a vegetable garden, but I seem to be running into a problem with finding the plants.

It's not that there are not any available - they are everywhere - the supermarket, hardware store, and even the shopping centers like Walmart.

I am just curious - what ever happened to the "flats" of plants?

The little six-section container that held six plants and they usually cost about $2.00 - $3.00 each.

They are non-existent!

All I can find is a pot with a single plant in it, and it costs $3.00 for one!

There are tons of those, for every plant - tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini, and all the others.

At that rate I will have to take out a loan to buy vegetable plants for my garden.

Had I known they were going to be so expensive, I would have started seeds earlier this year.

It's way too late for that now.

There is one more place I am going to check for them, but if I can't find them, I am going to have a pretty skimpy looking garden with only a few plants in it.

So much for frugal - the meager harvest and all the work - it almost doesn't make any sense to even have a garden!

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