September 1, 2011

Potato Leftovers

Potatoes - I am not a big fan of them.

Rice and pasta are more my style of a sidedish, but the boys really like those potatoes, so they must be cooked sometimes.

A couple of days ago, I boiled a pan of them - too many of them I later found out.

Not wanting them to go to waste, I decided to make some homefries with them.

After cutting them up, I added an onion, some garlic, canola oil, and ground black pepper to the pan.

Cooking them over a fairly high heat, I let them brown on the bottom and get crispy.

Turning a few times to brown them all, they cooked up really nicely.

This is about the only way I like potatoes, and man were they good.

We will even have leftovers of them.

Quite a few meals out of that one pan - some good came from those potatoes after all!


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